Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

-Thumbs Up-

No more cast!! Yay! That thing is gone and I couldn't be happier! It is hot and we need to swim!! I think I am/was more excited than Drew to throw that cast in the trash! I'm gonna tell you it was starting to have an aroma that was not to my liking :) plus it had gotten wet a couple of times and combined with this heat... ga.rose.

I asked Drew to show me her "I just got my cast off" pose... Sweet girl was such a trooper through this whole thing

Her poor little skin is all red,bumpy and irritated. Hopefully that will go away soon

Ahhhh, so nice to ride in the carseat with no cast

Bennett says he's happy too ;)


  1. Aww! I'm sure y'all are so glad it's finally off, now go get to a pool, it's hot out:) E

  2. BLESS her heart! So happy that is over with for both of you!
    Happy Swimming!
