Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Second Chance Ranch

In our Sunday School class, we try each month to get together with our kids and participate in a mission project. Through the initial idea by addi's momma, we are trying to teach our kids what it is to love others as God would have us to and expose them to situations in which we can do good for other people. We have done things like; caroling to shut-ins, visiting a nursing home, making cards for momma's and their kids in crisis situations, baking cookies for people at The Care Center and writing birthday cards for women at the prison in Newport.

Last Saturday we had the opportunity to volunteer at the SCR. We had planned on planting some flowers and doing a little work outside, but the weather was really nasty so we were able to help in the kitchen instead. The kitchen is recently new, so they needed some dishes and silverware washed. Drew and Evie were their girls for the job!! I was so proud of them and the great job they did. They dried and sorted silverware and even washed some (I think those dishes got somewhat clean?! ;) I was able to clean a bathroom while they worked in the kitchen. It's neat seeing the girls learn how to love others in all different ways.

What is SCR: Second Chance Ranch exists to provide abused, neglected, and at-risk youth a caring home while actively working to resolve crises in the youth’s life, restoring the individual and reunifying the family.

I recently read this quote on another blog and thought it was perfectly fitting for what we are trying to teach our children:

“Christ has no body on earth but yours. No hands but yours. No feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.” – Saint Teresa of Avila

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful! Great lessons you are teaching your girls.
