Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bennett 6 months

Speaking of getting big too fast... Look who is about to turn 6months old next week, my sweet boy Bennett!


  1. Holy cow I can't believe he is already 6 months!! Precious pics...such a cutie!
    Oh, and for the record: Your Drew had WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more hair than mine at 1 year! :) :)

  2. Oh my how sweet...he looks like your hubby. :)

  3. soooo cute!! I can't believe he's that big already! I haven't seen him in so long!

  4. Sooo cute! I know-Isaac just turned 4 months and our pediatrician wants me to start rice cereal. I thought, "he's not old enough for that yet!" Crazy how fast the time goes, huh?
