Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What a Day

I guess nothing officially says "I'm a preschooler" like a big purple cast and a nice FRACTURED ELBOW! Drew fell off the monkey bars at preschool today and landed right on her little elbow. And boy did she land just right because she broke it!!

The saddest part of the whole ordeal was that after she fell she seemed fine to her teachers so nothing was done! :( I know that they honestly had no idea how bad it was, but it just broke my heart to think about how much pain she must have been in. Anna picked the girls up today and the teacher let her know about the fall, but that she was okay (yeah,not so much). Anna immediately called me after she got in the car and told me something wasn't "right". She said Drew was not moving her right arm and that her elbow was very swollen. Anna also said that Drew wasn't acting quite herself. She was very tired acting and very quiet and not moving much...I immediately thought she had a concussion! I told Anna to get her to me NOW!

Once I saw Drew I knew her arm was broken and we immediately got her to the doctor's office to get it X-rayed. Thankfully she did not have a concussion, but they sent us to the Ortho office to get a better look at the X-rays. Once there, they looked closer at the x-rays, took some more pictures and then they discussed surgery and placing a pin in her elbow! What?!! After calling another ortho doc they decided we would cast it now, come back in a week, take the cast off, take more xrays and redetermine about the pins. Either way Drew will have the cast for 4 weeks...hopefully with no surgery and pins ( the outlook is good for no surgery)

All in all she has been a trooper!! She only cried when they had to really turn her arm for the x-ray, but other than that she was so brave! She has only complained a couple of times about the cast and very little about the pain.

I'm so thankful God was watching over her and that it wasn't something much worse... He protected her little head :). I'm also thankful that this happened at the beginning of the summer season and not smack in the middle of swimming and beach time. And it sure doesn't hurt that Drew has a fresh hot pink mani/pedi that go perfect with her purple cast!! ;) Brandan and I both told her that she has something that neither of us have ever had (crazy enough we've never had any broken bones!!... and Brandan has totaled 2 cars!!haha!)!

I'm praying that her adjustment to having a cast isn't too uncomfortable and that everything heals as it should.
Life happens!!


  1. Bless her bones! My husband broke his arm twice by the time he was 4, I think. Is it in the Hudspeth genes?!
    Hope she heals quickly!!We'll say a prayer for her tonight!

  2. Poor baby! Hope she's feeling better soon!
