Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Viewer Discretion Advised
Disturbing Images below ;)

Drew's prized Christmas present barely made it a week... Brandan cleaned the water and the following pictures are what we found the next morning. Lil' fishie had met his watery grave. I kept telling Drew that "I didn't think the fish felt good anymore, he's not moving very much"... you know just to try and ease her into the fact that he had "bit the dust". She never really seemed to care. So, it finally came to the point that we needed to dispose of him and I had to tell her like it was..."The fish went to see Jesus." Well, as you can see from the pictures Drew wasn't exactly torn up about it.

The Floater

Drew thought this was great... so cool that the fish was in the toilet

Yes... she is actually jumping and cracking a smile when we flushed the fish... something is wrong with my child! Needless to say we will not be buying another fish.


  1. haha that story is too funny!!

    I see the zebra wall in the background.. I must come over soon to see it all finished!!

  2. Trenton's birthday fish in May bit the dust about a month after getting it. I told him I didn't know where it went, I lost it! He bought it....never asked about it since. NO MORE FISH for us either! HA

  3. That story is too funny! But Drew looks really cute jumping up after flushing the Fishie!

  4. Poor little fishy! :) Hope you are feeling well!! Can't wait to see pics of your sweet baby boy soon...4 weeks!!! YAY!

    ...and yes, I also got a kick out of Tara's bday post too! Crazy night! :)
